Tanah Lempung, Abu Sabut Kelapa, Serbuk Batu Bata, Semen Portland, CBRAbstract
Tanah di Desa Pangi terlihat disekitarnya memiliki daya dukung tanah yang rendah mengakibatkan jalan diatasnya retak-retak, rusak serta bergelombang. Stabilisasi tanah bisa dilakukan dengan cara penambahan campuran abu sabut kelapa, serbuk batu bata dan semen portland sebagai bahan stabilisasi untuk memperbaiki sifat tanah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis hasil stabilisasi tanah dengan campuran abu sabut kelapa, serbuk batu bata dan semen portland yang telah ditambah dengan kadar campuran 3%, 5%, 7%, 0 hari dan 3 hari pemeraman. Untuk pengolahan data dilakukan di laboratorium dengan beberapa pengujian sifat fisik tanah asli yaitu uji kadar air, berat isi, uji berat jenis, batas-batas Atterberg, uji analisis saringan, uji analisis hydrometer dan untuk pengujian sifat mekanik tanah dilakukan pengujian pemadatan dan uji California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Hasil pengujian sifat fisik tanah yang dilakukan di laboratorium, klasifikasi AASHTO tanah tergolong kelompok A-7-6(10) sedangkan berdasarkan USCS tanah tergolong kelompok CH tanah lempung anorganik yang plastisitas tinggi. Setelah dilakukan pengujian stabilisasi tanah Persentase nilai CBRrencana didapat 3,13%. Tanah dengan campuran abu sabut kelapa, serbuk batu bata dan semen portland dengan variasi 3% 5%7% dengan 0 hari pemeraman mengalami peningkatan nilai CBRrencana sebesar 4,38%, 4,94%, 5,20% dan untuk pemeraman 3 hari naik sebesar 5,54%, 6,69%, 6,84%.
Soil is the oldest construction material and also very important basic material, because it place where the structure of building erected, both in field of building work and road construction. The soil in Pangi Village is around has a low soil bearing capacity resulting in cracked, damaged and bumpy roads. Soil stabilization can be done adding a mixture of coconut coir ash, brick powder and portland cement as a stabilizing agent to improve soil properties. The purpose of study was to analyze the results of soil stabilization with a mixture coconut coir ash, brick powder and portland cement had been added with mixture of 3%, 5%, 7%, 0 days and 3 days of curing. For data processing carried out in the laboratory with several tests of the physical properties original soil, the water content test, density test, specific gravity test, atterberg limits, sieve analysis test, hydrometer analysis test and testing the mechanical properties of the soil compaction test and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The results of testing the physical properties of the soil carried out in the laboratory, AASHTO classification the soil of group A-7-6(10), while on USCS soil is classified as CH inorganic clay with high plasticity. After testing soil stabilization, percentage of design CBR value was 3.13%. Soil with a mixture coconut coir ash, brick powder and portland cement with variation of 3%, 5%, 7%, 0 days of ripening experienced increase the design CBR was 4.38%, 4.94%, 5.20% and for 3 days ripening increased was 5.54%, 6.69%, 6.84%.
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