Pilot Plant, Conventional Water Treatmen, design, perancangan, Pengolahan Air KonvensionalAbstract
Berdasarkan data PDAM Balikpapan Desember 2017, sungai yang saat ini dimanfaatkan dengan parameter kekeruhan 6 - 24 NTU. Dalam pemanfaatannya sebagai air bersih dan air minum, untuk mendapatkan kualitas air sesuai standar baku mutu maka diperlukan pengolahan yang perancangan sesuai kriteria desain. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perancangan pengolahan air konvensional dalam uji pilot plant yang menghasilkan air olahan sesuai standar baku mutu air minum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu uji pilot plant meliputi tempat untuk proses, air baku menuju pilot plant di injeksi bahan kimia tawas dan kapur sebelum proses koagulasi–flokulasi dan injeksi bahan kimia kaporit sebelum proses filtrasi. Perancangan bak koagulasi dengan kecepatan inlet dan outlet 0,60 m/det, perbandingan tinggi, lebar dan panjang bak koagulasi 1,30 : 1 : 1, waktu detensi 60 detik. Perancangan pada pengadukan lambat, dengan total waktu 120 detik + 180 detik + 240 detik + 300 detik = 840 detik = 14 menit. Perancangan bak pengendapan, waktu detensi 1 jam, beban permukaan 0,13 m/jam, perbandingan lebar dan panjang bak, 1 : 2. Perancangan bak filtrasi, perbandingan bak, 1 : 2, kecepatan filtrasi 5 m/jam. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan uji pilot plant dengan penambahan bahan kimia yaitu menunjukkan parameter kekeruhan 3 NTU (rata-rata, 2 kali pengulangan) masih di bawah standar baku mutu sesuai standar air bersih No .416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 dan standar air minum No.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010.
Based on data from PDAM Balikpapan in December 2017, the river currently being used has a turbidity parameter of 6 - 24 NTU. In its utilization as clean water and drinking water, to get water quality according to quality standards, it is necessary to design processing according to design criteria. The purpose of the study was to determine the design of conventional water treatment in a pilot plant test that produces treated water according to drinking water quality standards. The research method used is the pilot plant test which includes a place for the process, raw water to the pilot plant in the injection of alum and lime chemicals before the coagulation-flocculation process and injection of chlorine chemicals before the filtration process. The design of a coagulation bath with an inlet and outlet velocity of 0.60 m/s, a ratio of height, width and length of a coagulation bath 1.30: 1: 1, detention time of 60 seconds. Design on slow stirring, with a total time of 120 seconds + 180 seconds + 240 seconds + 300 seconds = 840 seconds = 14 minutes. The design of the settling basin, the detention time is 1 hour, the surface load is 0.13 m/hour, the ratio of the width and length of the tank is 1: 2. The design of the filtration tank, the ratio of the tank, is 1: 2, the filtration speed is 5 m/hour. Based on the observations of the pilot plant test with the addition of chemicals, it shows that the turbidity parameter of 3 NTU (average, 2 repetitions) is still below the quality standard according to the clean water standard No. 416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 and drinking water standards. No.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010.
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